9:00-10:00am: We finally got to sleep in and had a late breakfast
10:00am: We hopped in the van and began our two and a half hour journey to meet with State Representative Mary Mascher who represents a district in Iowa city.
2:00pm: Arrived at Mary Maschers house. We are met with excitement, and a tray of snacks. During this meeting we talked to Representative Mascher on a variety of issues from the Des Moines Water Works law suit, environmental protection legislation, and how the new Presidential administration has affected Iowa.
3:00pm: Leave for the University of Iowa and the heart of Iowa City.
3:30-5:00pm: Took a tour of Iowa’s old capitol and walked around the University of Iowa.
5:30-7:00pm: Travel to Amana Iowa where we ate at the Ox Yoke Inn. Before we ate we shopped around a lot of the cute stores in the town. At our dinner we had a family style meal where we would pass huge bowls of food around the table. We had lots of laughs and a waitress named Dawn that was willing to laugh along with us.
9:00pm: Stopped at Casesys Gas Station to refuel, use the restroom, and buy scratch off lottery tickets.
10:00pm: Arrive back at Morris Stole’s. We then all returned to our respective homes.