This week has been full of firsts!
My first time on a plane, my first time in Iowa, and my first time helping get chicken eggs straight out of the coop!
Coming from a small town myself there hasn’t been much of a culture shock for my first two days in Iowa. Everything is jut a lot more open. Less trees and more range. It’s a freeing feeling really. The menu hasn’t even been much a change. I’ve been grateful enough to have full menu of vegetarian and vegan options to fully suit my palate.
I think one of best things that helped me transition to the big state of Iowa has been the book, Storm Lake by Art Cullen. Coming in and hearing HN talk about some of things going on around the state I recognized from the book. I was also fully prepared for the terrain of the state because I had the pleasure of reading about the landscapes of Iowa. The most recognizable to me are the subtle rolling hills of the land. Iowa is no flat character in this chapter of Summer, and I am eager to see how dynamic and complex the character Iowa turns out to be.