Farm Takes on Theater

Sunday, June 2

Today there was not much on agenda except for making the journey back to Radcliffe from Lake Okoboji. Later in the day our itinerary consisted of putting on a play for the community in Garden City. 

“Map of My Kingdom” was written by Mary Swander and was commissioned by Practical Farmers of Iowa. When we met with PFI in May, we learned that PFI was formed in 1985 because people were not satisfied with the single track of information available to farmers. I feel that the commissioning of this play fits in nicely with why PFI was created. The play deals with the tough subject of farm transfers. Her hope is that presenting this play will help families open up the conversation on who gets the farm. 

Farm transfers do not always go easy and can cause rifts in a family. Planning can make the process easier for everyone. It takes the involvement of the family and outside entities to make it happen. This is why after the play we had a panel discussion made up of a Pastor, Lawyer and Banker.