The Storm Lake Times

On Saturday we went to meet Art Cullen. I was a little worried that the meeting would end up being disappointing as we spent the entire trip hyping up Art Cullen. Luckily, he lived up to the hype. Art Cullen is a Pulitzer prize winner and a writer for The Storm Lake Times. His editorials are frequently featured in the Washington Post. He is also the author of Storm Lake, the book that was assigned to us for this May Experience,. He was funny, candid, well-spoken and witty. In the beginning of our time with him he essentially summed up everything we had learned on the trip so far. He then answered a variety of questions that we asked him. He spoke about politics and the upcoming elections. Iowa is a very important state for candidates to win and the Iowa caucus is not too far away. This month alone many of the Democratic candidates have been traveling around Iowa trying to get Iowa voters. The number one issue on Iowa voters’ minds is water quality and agriculture regulations. With the current tariffs on soy beans, Iowa farmers want to hear how the candidates will make a difference for them. It was interesting to hear Art Cullen’s take as an Iowa native who grew up on a farm and is well versed in politics. I found his opinions to be very insightful and interesting and I absolutely loved chatting with him.